Thoughts on Nonprofit Leadership
Whenever I am working with a nonprofit looking to increase their fundraising revenue, I get asked, “How do I get new people to give to my nonprofit? Where do I find new donors?” Good questions. The answers lie in your focus on mission, your planning, taking advantage of all your...
To effectively communicate with donors, you need to engage them first. c It’s a relationship. It’s a two-way street. To be a successful relationship, each party will give and get something as a result of the interaction. You want them to listen and respond to your request. If you...
In my last blog, Successful Nonprofit Fundraising: It’s Not about the Money, we discussed the perils of asking donors for money. So the questions is, if you don’t approach individual donors by asking for money, how do you approach them? How do you build strong donor relationships that...
by Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE
Are gift acceptance policies really important? Here are some real-life stories of organizations who found themselves in a dilemma because they did not have policies in place. And others, who were “saved by the bell” because they did have policies in place.
By Matt Hugg
Bite-sized learning. Micro-learning. Nano-learning. I won’t debate the differences – for our purpose they all mean the same thing:
A little information can go a long way!
(In my opinion) Micro-learning (what I’ll call it) is exactly what nonprofit staff, boards and...
by Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE
When I first entered the wonderful world of philanthropy back in the dark ages (before email, can you believe that?), I was amazed when I found out this was actually a career and that large organizations had staffs of dozens of fundraisers. But when I started my...
In any one day, a nonprofit executive director’s duties can include managing operations; satisfying funders and donors; informing and inspiring board, staff and volunteers; listening to clients; communicating your mission and accomplishments to the public; assessing community needs;...
Nonprofit organizations exist to meet community needs, are governed by community members, and funded through community contributions. Nonprofit agencies leverage their scarce resources by fostering community relationships. Nonprofits even receive special tax-exempt status based on their...
by Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE
Why are so many nonprofits addicted to special event fundraising? I’ve observed several reasons for this addiction. First, for many organizations they seem like the only way out of the fundraising dilemma. They aren’t aware of the diversity of fundraising...