Thoughts on Nonprofit Leadership

Effective Fundraising Techniques for Reaching Generation Z Donors fundraising marketing and communications relationship building

In the past four blogs, we have covered the generation characteristics of the Greatest Generation, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers and Millennials. We referred you to the census bureau and The Center for Generational Kinetics for readily available, no cost generational cohort information.  We talked...

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Effective Fundraising Techniques for Reaching Gen X Donors fundraising marketing and communications relationship building

As we have discussed in previous blogs, to achieve the best results from your fundraising campaigns you must customize your fundraising activities to reach specific audiences. Applying different fundraising techniques to reach different groups of donors produces better fundraising results....

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Effective Fundraising Techniques for Reaching Baby Boomer Donors fundraising marketing and communications relationship building

Different fundraising techniques are successful at reaching different generational donor cohorts. Figuring out which fundraising techniques will be successful with different generational groups is part of the challenge of reaching varying groups of donors. The good news is that generational...

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Building Donor Relationships: Individuals fundraising relationship building

In my last blog, Successful Nonprofit Fundraising: It’s Not about the Money, we discussed the perils of asking donors for money. So the questions is, if you don’t approach individual donors by asking for money, how do you approach them? How do you build strong donor relationships that...

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Approaching Business Executives corporate giving relationship building

In What Businesses Want we talked about goals businesses have that can met through a partnership with your nonprofit. In Creating Awareness in the Business Community, we talked about  networking with businesses. In Helping Business Professionals Meet Their Goals, we talked about helping how...

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Creating Awareness in the Business Community corporate giving relationship building

The first factor in garnering a donation from a business or corporation is just like any other type of donor: they have to be aware of your existence. And they have to a way to contact your organization. So, how do you attain visibility among the business community?

Chambers of Commerce, Business...

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Building Donor Relationships: Corporations corporate giving relationship building

In the series Building Donor Relationships we’ve talked about building relationships with individuals and foundations. In the third part of the series, we address building donor relationships with corporations.

Corporate Motivations for Giving

Like individuals and foundations, relationships...

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Receiving Business Donations Year After Year corporate giving relationship building

You’ve gotten that first donation from the company you targeted months ago! Congrats! Jump up and down and do your cartwheels. Celebrate this big milestone. Then realize life with this business partner goes on. The relationship is only beginning. Don’t think your job is done. You want...

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Helping Business Professionals Meet Their Goals corporate giving relationship building

How can you get community businesses to pay attention to you? Help them meet their goals. Know what their goals are: increasing visibility, acquiring customers, keeping customers, and reducing costs. What are the types of things you can do to help them meet those goals?

Improving Their Visibility...

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